Crate typed_floats

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This crate helps you to ensure the kind of floats you are using, without panic! (except if the unsafe function new_unchecked is used in an unsound way).

zero overhead: everything is checked at compile time. (only try_from adds a little overhead at runtime)

NaN is rejected by all types.


This crate is for you if:

§The 12 types provided by this crate

And their positive and negative counterparts:

(Negatives types reject +0.0 and positives types reject -0.0)

Type-∞]-∞; -0.0[-0.0+0.0]+0.0; +∞[+∞NaN

To avoid specifying the kind of float (e.g. like Positive<f32>), you can use the modules tf64 and tf32 which expose aliases.

§When to use it

§When handling floats

When you handle floats, this crate can help you to ensure that you are not using NaN or Infinity by mistake. Methods and functions implemented returns a type as strict as possible, so you know when you really have to check for NaN or Infinity.

§When writing a library

Using one of the type provided by this crate in your public API can help your users to avoid mistakes and limits the checks your functions have to do.

It also helps to make API simpler as you don’t have to handle and document all the possible cases with NaN and Infinity for example.

E.g. the following function:

fn fast_inv_sqrt(x: StrictlyPositiveFinite) -> StrictlyPositive;

It ensures:

  • For the person implementing the API: the parameter x is neither NaN nor Infinity, and is strictly positive
  • For the user: the result is not NaN and is strictly positive but may be Infinity

In that example:

  • the person implementing the API doesn’t have to check for NaN, Infinity, or <= 0 for the parameter x
  • the user only have to check the result for Infinity if they want to handle it differently and can’t call the function with an invalid parameter.


Most methods and traits available on the underlying type are available on the types of this crate.

Most constants are also available, with the most appropriate TypedFloat type (except NAN for obvious reasons) in the tf64 and tf32 modules (in tf64::consts and tf32::consts respectively when the constant comes from core::f64::consts or core::f32::consts). Those modules are named that way to avoid conflicts or confusion with the primitives f32 and f64.

⚠️ Like for primitives f32 and f64,-0.0 == +0.0 is true for all types of this crate. To facilitate comparisons, the methods is_positive_zero and is_negative_zero are added.

§Traits implemented

§Conversions: core::convert::From / core::convert::TryFrom

(The traits From and TryFrom are implemented depending on the situation)

§Comparaisons: core::cmp::PartialOrd and core::cmp::PartialEq


§Traits without generic parameters


¹: there is a (small) overhead because they accept 0.0 and -0.0 (which are equal) so they must core::hash::Hash to the same value.

§Methods implemented

All 12 types implement the methods available on f32 and f64 except:

  • deprecated and nightly-only methods
  • total_cmp(&self, other: &f64) -> Ordering
  • sin_cos(self) -> (f64, f64)
  • mul_add(self, a: f64, b: f64) -> f64
  • clamp(self, min: f64, max: f64) -> f64
  • LowerExp
  • UpperExp
  • Product
  • Sum
  • to_int_unchecked
  • to*_bits
  • from*_bits


The only method that can panic! is the unsafe method new_unchecked when used in an invalid way.

A panic! triggered in any other way is considered a security bug and should be reported.

§Minimal overhead

This crate is designed to have a minimal overhead at runtime, in terms of memory, speed and binary size.

It may even be faster than using primitives f32 and f64 directly, as it may avoids some checks by using compiler hints.

The only methods that adds a little overhead are try_from because of the checks they do at runtime, compared to the unsafe method new_unchecked.

In debug mode, a little overhead is present, both to check the validity of the values and because inline may not be respected.

Any other overhead is considered a bug and should be reported.


  • std: enabled by default, gives all f32 and f64 methods.
  • serde: implements Serialize and Deserialize for all 12 types.
  • libm: use the Float trait from num-traits and libm to implement the missing methods when the std feature is disabled. When both std and libm features are enabled, the std implementation is used.
  • compiler_hints: enabled by default, will add core::hint::unreachable_unchecked after all debug_assert.
  • ensure_no_undefined_behavior: Will panic! in release mode instead of risking undefined behavior. This will override the compiler_hints feature, and adds a little overhead to new_unchecked. This feature can be enabled by any parent crate to ensure no undefined behavior.

§How it works

For each operation, at compile time crate determine the most strict type possible for the result.

For example, if you multiply a PositiveFinite and a StrictlyNegativeFinite, the result will be a Negative.

Methods that takes another float as parameter will also return the most strict type possible depending on the both types. For the methods where a trait is not available to specify the return type depending on the parameter type, a new trait is created: Hypot, Min, Max, Copysign, DivEuclid and Atan2.

§Main limitations

  • Doesn’t fix the floating point quirks such as 0.0 == -0.0
  • Doesn’t fix the odd methods such as:
    • sqrt(-0.0) returning -0.0 instead of NaN
    • min(-0.0, 0.0) returning -0.0 instead of 0.0 (same for max)
    • frac(-0.0) returning 0.0 instead of -0.0

Because that would introduce a runtime overhead and may introduce some incompatibilities with existing code.

§Rust version

This crate is tested when a new version is release with:

  • Rust beta
  • Rust stable
  • Rust 1.70.0

Also, tests on nightly, beta and stable are run weekly on GitHub actions.

The minimum supported Rust version is 1.70.0 because of the use of dep: in Cargo.toml.


Tests are run on different architectures on GitHub actions and CircleCI.

To run all tests:

git clone

# generate the published documentation, including some tests
cargo xtask pre-build

cd typed_floats
cargo test --all

§Similar crates

  • checked-float A crate for making invariant-enforcing floating point wrappers
  • decorum Decorum is a Rust library that provides total ordering, equivalence, hashing, and constraints for floating-point representations. Decorum does not require std.
  • eq-float Float wrappers with a total order (by setting NAN == NAN).
  • fix_float Fixed floating types that allows useful trait implementations and datastructures on float numbers
  • float-derive A crate that allows deriving Eq and Hash for types that contain floating points.
  • float-ord A total ordering for floating-point numbers.
  • nanbox NaN boxing implementation.
  • noisy_float Contains floating point types that panic if they are set to an illegal value, such as NaN.
  • num-order Numerically consistent core::cmp::Eq, core::cmp::Ord and core::hash::Hash implementations for various num types (u32, f64, num_bigint::BigInt, etc.)
  • ordered-float Provides several wrapper types for Ord and Eq implementations on f64 and friends.
  • partial-min-max min and max functions that work with PartialOrd.
  • real_float Floating point types that check for correctness and implement total ordering.
  • result_float Floating point type that cannot store NaN.
  • totally-ordered No dependency, no-std totally ordered f32/f64
  • unsigned-f64 A wrapper around f64 that guarantees that the value is always non-negative on the type level.

Features provided/checked by those crates:

✔️: provided, ❌: not provided, ❓: unknown

(you may need to scroll to the right to see all the columns: “Production ready”, “Avoid panic!”, “Minimal overhead”, “Eq/Ord”, “Hash”, “NaN”, “Inf”, “Zero”, “Positive”, “Negative”)

CratesProduction readyAvoid panic!Minimal overheadEq/OrdHashNaNInfZeroPositiveNegative

(N.B. “Production ready” is a subjective measure)

¹: Can be manually checked


Conversions rules for operations are summarized in TypedFloat.


Operations will return the strictest type possible.

use typed_floats::*;

let a: StrictlyPositiveFinite = 1.0f64.try_into().unwrap();
let b: StrictlyNegativeFinite = (-1.0f64).try_into().unwrap();

let c: StrictlyPositive = a - b;
let d: NonNaNFinite = a + b;

assert_eq!(c, 2.0);
assert_eq!(d, 0.0);   
use typed_floats::*;

let a: StrictlyPositiveFinite = 1.0f64.try_into().unwrap();
let b: Positive = 0.0f64.try_into().unwrap();

let c: StrictlyPositive = a + b;

assert_eq!(c, 1.0);   

Operations that assign the result to the left operand are only implemented when it is safe to do so:

use typed_floats::*;

let mut a: StrictlyPositive = f64::MAX.try_into().unwrap();
let b: StrictlyPositive = f64::MAX.try_into().unwrap();

a += b;// Would not compile with StrictlyPositiveFinite

assert_eq!(a, f64::INFINITY);
use typed_floats::*;

let mut a: StrictlyPositiveFinite = f64::MAX.try_into().unwrap();
let b: StrictlyPositiveFinite = f64::MAX.try_into().unwrap();

a += b;// Does not compile

assert_eq!(a, f64::INFINITY);

Conversions from non-zero integers are available:

use typed_floats::*;
use core::num::NonZeroU64;

let a = NonZeroU64::new(1).unwrap();
let b: StrictlyPositive = a.into(); // no need for try_into

assert_eq!(b, 1.0);

Also, comparaison between types is available:

use typed_floats::*;

let a: f64 = 1.0;
let b: StrictlyPositive = 1.0.try_into().unwrap();
let c: StrictlyPositiveFinite = 1.0.try_into().unwrap();

assert_eq!(a, b);
assert_eq!(b, a);
assert_eq!(b, c);

To return early in a function:

use typed_floats::*;

fn early_return(a:f64,b:f64) -> Result<PositiveFinite,InvalidNumber> {
  let a: StrictlyPositiveFinite = a.try_into()?;
  let b: StrictlyPositiveFinite = b.try_into()?;

  Ok(a % b)

assert_eq!(early_return(-1.0,2.0), Err(InvalidNumber::Negative));
assert_eq!(early_return(1.0,2.0).unwrap().get(), 1.0);


  • This module contains constants from core::f32, casted to the corresponding type
  • This module contains constants from core::f64, casted to the corresponding type




  • An error that can occur when converting from a string into a TypedFloat
  • An error that can occur when converting into a typed float
